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Welcome to The Living Library

Asking the Question?

"What does it mean to Me, to be Human."

My Prayer to 'ALL of LIFE'.

“I Am Here on Mother Earth.

It is my intention for me to receive from you the vibration within you as a living being.

I am now here to receive it, to translate it, to understand it, and transmit it by living it to the rest of the planet.

I am here to behold your beauty,

to bear witness.

I am of the family of Love.

When I first came across an invocation to The Mother, and All of Life. It touched my heart it felt so right and I have been reciting one every since.

It makes sense to me, Earth, our Mother is a Living Library. We are a 'living library'. An alive compilation of mammals, of trees, birds, flowers, rocks, insects, water everything is made of this Earth. We are made of this Earth. We are, a collective. Everything on this planet has divine beautiful value and so as I go about my day, wether it be tending the garden or stroking a pet, the trees, the flowers, the ocean, the birds every time I remember, I speak this request with an open heart and so now, I have opened The Living Library of this planet.

I love Mother Earth. I have lived a life 'Outside'. Nearly a decade of that was cruising remote regions of Australia: The Kimberly's, The Top End and the lush Whitsundays. Our views forever changing. We lived 'in' nature. Bathed each evening in the colourful hues of the sky’s colourful palette or maybe the dark rolling clouds. I am now on the land, in the country. My hands constantly caressing the soil, surrounded by trees. Whether walking bare foot or swimming her deep Oceans. Earth is a true treasure yet we so easily forget to look upon our Earthly companions and to truly perceive the magic and importance of every single organism.

So in my meanderings I wish to share that which means so much to me. I hope you enjoy, this is my life’s work, my life’s true joy. To share the value, the magic of Mother Earth and All on board.

What is a story

Life is the story.

But what is the story?

What is the tale, the wisdom?

Who’s version?

Who’s there….

A narrative and a tale.

A wondrous, engaging adventure.

The secession of moments.

A sequence of thoughts.

Who’s there….

A ponderance of seeming time lines.

The biography of the teller.

Whispers of the mind.

The history of past notions.

Who is there….

Fiction, non fiction, a distant fable.




The law?

Be it a memoir.

A myth.

Be it a legend.

An epic, or an engaging cliffhanger.

Who’s telling....

Lost in the past.

Or envisioned in the future.

A narrative.

A plot.

Or dreamtime confusion....

Who does the version belong to?

Is it truth?

Is it false?

Subjective thoughts?

Does it matter?

Are versions ever all true?

Or just realistic?

Suitable at the time?

True for today, but maybe not tomorrow.

Who’s there.

Who’s writing the story.

Who’s writing your story?

Who’s there....

Life is full of small steps,

Each leading us to a goal, a desire, a dream.

Which direction do I choose is where I travel.

One can always make a new choice,

Any moment along the way.

Be the Change.

With small steps, each step adding to another.

Each choice, a small step.

Be the light that adds to the planet.

Live consciously.

I remember the first time I stepped into a whole food store, every thing placed in jars with labels no fancy packaging, and rows of herbs with names I did not know.

I started very small indeed......

But I made a choice and I started walking in a different direction to the one I had before.



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