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Who am I?

What can I add....

I am a happy nature artist that loves playing in my garden. An adventurer and sailor for 9 years we lived with a cruising catamaran. A witness of nature, I just love being remote. I am loved and abundant, a nature millionaire and "everything I make is good for you." My Quest is to heal thyself and become with all that is. A daughter of 'Mother Earth' . These pages impart my gifts, tips and any tricks on my own innate journey to becoming the greatest grandest most inspiring version of the person that changes the world one step at a time.Take what you like and leave the rest. 


 I’m thrilled you’re here—because I have so much I want to share. I’m here to make a life out of what I love, and what I love is writing, nature, and becoming sovereign in all aspects of life; be it vibrant health, heart based abundance, nature's medicine and sustainable living. 


I truly believe that each and everyone of us has the power to 'Be the Change' and to create a new and more loving world that care's for everyone and everything. I hope with sincerity to leave this Earth better then when I arrived.


Explore my site, and all that I have to offer; perhaps 'being the change' will ignite your own passions too.


Thank you , I am honoured by your presence.


With Love Lynette


Visions of The Mother

Nature is pure art and a divine teacher....

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